5 Reasons Why Electric Cars Can Stop Air Pollution in Big Cities

One of our era’s environmental issues is air pollution. It has been found that one of the major causes of this is the use of traditional vehicles. These vehicles run on either diesel or gasoline, which emits toxic chemicals causing air pollution. It could even contribute to air pollution contracted diseases and other health-threatening matters.

Reduces emission of fuel and gasoline smoke into our atmosphere

Electric cars don’t run on diesel or gasoline, unlike the traditional ones. Which means, it does not emit air pollutants. The emission of smoke into the air is one of the main causes of air pollution. Especially in big and bustling cities that have factories and power plants which also emit smoke. Switching to electric cars will help in reducing the smoke in the air. 

Halt oil and fuel drilling

Switching to electric cars would mean that we would no longer use oil as our fuel. This simple act could have a chain reaction and it would halt oil and fuel drilling. Did you know that oil and fuel drilling releases chemicals and pollutants? By switching to electric cars we could – theoretically, stop oil drilling. 


Electric cars use renewable energy. You can also reduce more greenhouse emissions by charging your car during the day. Another thing is that you can purchase GreenPower so that even if you don’t use solar-powered cars, you can still charge your car using electricity with the use of renewable energy.

Batteries are reused and recycled

Electric vehicles nowadays use lithium-ion batteries, which can store more energy than a lead-acid battery. Experts have found valuable materials used in electric batteries can be reused and recovered.

Battery production is clean

As time goes by, electric car batteries are getting cleaner and cleaner. As it is 2-3 times better than it was before. The scaling up of manufacturing of battery cells has brought effectiveness in terms of needing energy per cell, which therefore drops the emission of carbon dioxide.