5 Proofs that Wildlife Watching is Bad for Animal Species

Are you thinking of visiting tourist spots this summer? Wildlife watching could be fun! However, there are a few things you should consider first before you go and visit them. Did you know that there are negative impacts to animals in wildlife watching? To know more, continue reading down below!

Mistreatment Towards Animals

It has been proved that 3 out of 4 wildlife watching sites are involved in treating wildlife animals cruelly. Over 550,000 animals suffer at the hands of these sites. Tourists also harm some of these wild animals. Furthermore, the mistreatment towards wild animals is sometimes hidden from view, and that they are exposed to a lifetime of hardships.

Pass an Illness

Some humans have certain diseases and illnesses that can be contagious to animals. These could be certain viruses and diseases that can be passed through any medium. This could be from the moment we touch the food that we give to the animals. This could be harmful enough to many animal species and may further endanger the already endangered animals. 


Some wildlife animals are dangerous and unpredictable and can cause harm to humans. In fact, some animals hate having people around them, and that people sometimes leave their trash behind which can have a negative impact on the habitat of these species.

Changes in Behavior

Even the presence of humans can change animals’ behaviors. As you can see the wildlife is the animal’s natural habitat and we, the viewers, are invading their own habitat. This could cause aggression and stress on the animals. Imagine someone suddenly entering your home, you would be scared, angered, and shocked, right? Well, always keep in mind these things every time you visit a natural habitat for wildlife animals because the same goes for them. 

Dependent on Foods Received from Humans

When talking about animal and wildlife viewing, there is a certainty that the viewers or watchers will feed the wild animals. This act could disrupt and put into disarray the natural chain of life. This means that the wild animals will most likely be dependent on the human viewers for their food.